MSR147WD Datalogger

Product Overview

Rugged Wireless Data Logger with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Plug-in Sensors for temperature, humidity, air pressure and 3-axis acceleration, 5 connections

Features Include:

  • Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth 5 Smart) 2,4 GHz, up to 50m
  • Communication with multiple MSR147WD data loggers possible
  • Up to 5 measurement parameters
  • IP60 or IP67 housing option with 230mAh battery
  • View More
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MSR147WD: Wireless Data Logger (Bluetooth) with App and Plug-in Temperature and Humidity Sensors

Precisely record and wirelessly monitor physiological parameters such as skin temperature and moisture – this is what the MSR147WD wireless data logger equipped with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and a storage capacity of 1 million measured values enables you to do.

Pre-calibrated plug-in sensors for temperature and humidity

The sensors supplied by MSR Electronics GmbH can be inserted and removed individually. Due to the automatic configuration feature, the data logger instantly recognises when a sensor is inserted. The calibration data is stored in the relevant sensor. In addition to the plug-in temperature and humidity sensors, you can have your MSR147WD equipped with an internal air pressure and/or acceleration sensor.

Power-saving Bluetooth Low Energy, useful MSR DataLogger app

The use of Bluetooth Low Energy short-range radio technology is ideal when measurement data from hard-to-reach places need to be monitored over a longer period of time. Measured values can be retrieved at any time using the MSR DataLogger app on a smartphone or tablet. Using the optionally available base station, you can quickly send data from several MSR147WD data loggers to the MSR SmartCloud via BLE/LAN. The MSR SmartCloud allows you to view and manage the stored measured values online and to use the alarm function.

Key Features:

  • Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth 5 Smart) 2,4 GHz, up to 50m
  • Communication with multiple MSR147WD data loggers possible
  • Up to 5 measurement parameters
  • IP60 or IP67 housing option with 230mAh battery
  • Free MSR DataLogger App for mobile devices (from Android 4.4+, iPhone 4S+, iPad 3+)
  • Alarm function, transmission to MSR SmartCloud
  • Wireless data logger (Bluetooth Low Energy) with 5 connections (IP60) for pluggable, pre-calibrated humidity and/or temperature sensors
  • Internal air pressure and/or 3-axis accelerometer ±15 g optionally available
  • More than 1 million measured values storage capacity in the internal memory

Data Sheets (PDF)

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MSR147WD Data Sheet

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MSR147WD Brief Instructions

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